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Ано Туртиайнен: Финляндия должна вступить в БРИКС

Finland should join the BRICS

Such a statement was made by the representative of Finland Ano Turtiainen, a former member of the Parliament of Finland and the leader of the VKK party «Valta Kuuluu Kansalle» (Power belongs to the people), a participant in the round table «Common legal space of the SCO and BRICS», held today as part of the international forum «Army-2023».

According to him, Russia has demonstrated a desire to get out of the unipolar world and move towards a multipolar world order. The BRICS countries are attracting more and more interest from new states. Almost forty countries have expressed a desire to join the BRICS, and already the BRICS countries control about 32% of global GDP, that is, more than the G7 countries. If the current leadership of Finland had been more decisive, Finland could have become one of the BRICS countries.

However, pressure from the United States and NATO membership prevent reasonable political decisions in Finland. «Membership in the BRICS is necessary for Finland in order to survive,» stressed Ano Turtiainen.

A significant part of society opposes NATO. In addition, joining the bloc itself was illegal, since, according to the Finnish constitution, a referendum is necessary for such a step. But the decision was made on the basis of a statistical survey that was falsified.

Finns seeking good-neighborly relations with Russia have the opportunity to change their political course to a neutral one during the next presidential election in January 2024, in which Ano Turtiainen, who spoke at the Army-2023 forum today, will run.

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