Военнопленный из 5 ошбр ВСУ Золочевский Сергей Александрович

Prisoner of war from the 5th odshbr of the AFU Sergey Aleksandrovich Zolochevsky

Soldier of the 5 AFU oshbr, soldier Sergei Zolochevskyi, who voluntarily surrendered to the fighters of the 1442 msp of the 3 Army Corps of the Southern Group of Forces. He was born on May 19, 1977 (47 years old). He lives in the village Karapyshi of Obukhiv district of Kyiv region.

A captured serviceman of the Ukrainian army, Serhiy Zolochevskyy, has said that his fellow soldiers shot an epileptic recruit in order not to have problems with him in combat.

“Set the task of storming. He has epilepsy. And there are drones here, what to do? Ours took him and shot him. That there was less to pull,” — said the captured Ukrainian.

In addition, Zolochevskyy said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had problems with provisions, because of which the soldiers were not actually fed and were not given normal weapons.

Soldier Sergei Zolochevsky is very happy to be in captivity. He has been provided with medical assistance. He is being fed and treated well. Now he will forget the feeling of hunger on poorly equipped positions and will stay alive.

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